Tuesday 20 February 2018

What is Vedic Maths?


Vedic Maths is the name given to the ancient system of Indian Mathematics which was rediscovered from the Vedas between 1911 & 1918 by Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji. As per the research carried out by him, all of mathematics is based on Sixteen Sutras or world formulae. For instance, 'Vertically and Crosswise' is one of these Sutras. These formulae describe the way the mind naturally works and are therefore a great help in directing the student to the correct method of solution. The most spectacular feature of this Vedic system is perhaps its coherence. Rather than a hotch-potch of unrelated techniques the entire system is beautifully interrelated and unified; the general multiplication method, for instance, is easily reversed to allow one line divisions and the simple squaring method can be reversed to give one line square roots, and one can understand all these quite easily. This unifying quality is extremely satisfying, it makes mathematics quite easy and enjoyable and also encourages innovation.

In the Vedic system 'difficult' problems or huge sums can often be solved instantly by the Vedic method. These impressive and beautiful methods are just a part of an entire system of mathematics which is far more systematic than the modern system. Vedic Mathematics manifests the coherent and unified structure of mathematics and the methods are complementary, direct as well as easy. The simplicity of Vedic Mathematics means that one can carry out the calculations mentally. There are several benefits in using a flexible, mental system. People can even invent their own methods, as they are not limited to the one 'correct' method. This leads to more creative, interested and intelligent pupils.

Features of Vedic Maths

Improves Memory: The simplicity and ease of Vedic Mathematics means that one can carry out the calculations mentally. Remember that mathematical objects are mental objects. In working directly with these objects as in mental maths you get closer to the objects and understand them and their properties and relationships much better. Of course there are times, particularly early on when physical activities are a great help to understanding.

Increases Flexibility: In modern teaching you generally have one way of doing a calculation. This is rigid and boring, and intelligent and creative students rebel against it. Once you let variations, you get all sorts of benefits. Children become more creative. The teacher is encouraging innovation and the children respond. In the Vedic system there are general methods, that always work, for instance, a method of multiplication that can be applied to any numbers. However, the Vedic system has several special methods, when a calculation has some special characteristic that can be used to find the answer more easily. And, it's great fun when you spot that method.

Promotes Creative: All these features of Vedic Math encourage students to be creative in doing their math. Being naturally creative students like to devise their own methods of solution. The Vedic system seeks to cultivate intuition, having a conscious proof or explanation of a method beforehand is not necessary in the Vedic methodology. This appeals to the artistic types who prefer not to use analytical ways of thinking.

Efficient and Quick: In the Vedic system, 'difficult' problems or huge sums can often be solved instantly. These striking and beautiful methods are just a part of an entire system of mathematics which is far more systematic than the modern system. Vedic Mathematics manifests the coherent and unified structure naturally inherent in mathematics and the methods are direct, easy and complementary.

Interest in the Vedic system is growing in education where mathematics teachers are looking for something better and finding the Vedic system as the answer. Research is being carried out in several areas including the effects of learning Vedic Maths on children, developing new, powerful, but easy applications of the Vedic Sutras in Geometry, calculus, computing, etc. However the real beauty and effectiveness of Vedic mathematics cannot be completely appreciated without actually practicing the system.

Course Benefits

Eradicates the fear of Mathematics and instills confidence
Improves calculation speed and numerical skills
Sharpens the brain
Is an aid to crack scholarship and entrance exams
Facilitates a habit of analytical thinking and measured approach towards any problem
Provides an insight into ancient Indian mathematics
Is useful for everyone - students, professionals, teachers, parents, and the young and old

Web : www.mindactivation.in

Monday 27 October 2014

Mind Activation


About Us

We help to Bring out the Best in your Child
Like millions of parents all over the india, you want to give the best education possible, for your child. Right ? And you have sent him/her to the best school you could find. Right ?
But, what is “ Best Education ?”

Fortunately, we do not have to scratch our
heads to discover the answer because one man spent his entire life in search of
that answer.The purpose of education in the future will not be to create people with heads crammed full of knowledge, but to rear children who know how to efficiently use the whole brain. Rearing children with enormous ability, rich creativity, and the capability to make use of high proportion of their brain
should be the goal of child rearing.

How wonderful would it be for our children to be able to speed read, have a
photographic memory, perform complex mathematical calculations in their heads,
and achieve a host of other amazing abilities, Done correctly, right brain
education can help children succeed not only in academics, but in sports,
music, social development and life.
Helping a child develop his right brain potential is about raising a child
to become the best that he can be.

Right brain education philosophy is that at the heart of every child is an Edison waiting to break free and create the next great invention. It is our responsibility as parents and educators to help them become that driving force that will change the INDIA.

More Imformetion 

v  Do you really want your child to be Genius?
In today’s era of technology you really want your child to be brought up by the same old-fashioned up bringing? Or you really want to empower something new? In today’s time it’s not just enough to have clever child but he must be a GENIIUS and then only he/she can be survival in this competitive world.
v  Do you really want to improve your child’s future and make him genius??? Don’t worry we will help you.
Now whatever we are going to explain you might be you won’t believe us but that’s very true and scientifically proven. Suppose your child take few days training in our center and after that training if your child can do following things with blindfolded then…???
·         If he is given any random color card he will recognize it correctly
·         He can read numbers or words from card
·         He can recognize any shape from card
·         He can read serial number from currency note.
v  Surprise Right?   You don’t believe this but dear parents just wait and watch?
·         Give him any book he will read blindfolded.
·         He will fill color in any drawing or picture.
·         With blindfolded he will recognize his parents from crowd.
·         He will recognize any color from 10 feet distance.
·         Put a card of any color on his feet he will recognize.

Shocked??  Now you won’t believe this.
He can see clearly through any wall.

Do you think is it magic or you think there is some trick while folding on eyes, here I must tell you above mentioned points are 100% true, authentic  and scientifically proven. We don’t do any magic but we actually train your child, it can be done by child in this world because each and every child is unique and they have unbelievable potential to be GENIUS.

Our prime focus is to make your child GENIUS.

“We believe today’s generation is tomorrow’s future! “
